Best Business Podcasts – Part 1

I like podcasts. A LOT. At last count, I subscribe and actively listen to 61 of them. I listen in the car, while walking the dog, doing chores around the house, or whenever I have a few spare moments away from my computer. I’ve even caught myself staring at iTunes, mindlessly clicking the Refresh button the way some people check their email, in hopes of fresh downloads.

I subscribe to all sorts of topics (cooking, comedy, news, and several NPR shows), but the majority of them are business related. Here are a few of my favorites:

Duct Tape Marketing

Hosted by John Jantsch, the Duct Tape Marketing podcast is a biweekly interview show with authors, business owners, and other leaders of the marketing industry. Jantsch is also the author of Duct Tape Marketing, The Referral Engine, and other marketing books.

EntreLeadership Podcast

The EntreLeadership podcast was released in conjunction with Dave Ramsey’s recent Entreleadership book. Each episode includes a segment of EntreLeadership business training, followed by an interview on a supporting topic with such names as Tony Hseih, Jim Collins, and Steven Covey.

Founder’s Talk

The Founder’s Talk podcast is part of the 5by5 podcast network, and featured interviews with the founders of well-known startups and online businesses, such as Carsonified, Dribbble, Tapbots, ZURB, and 99Designs. These are fascinating and inspirational interviews about how these businesses were built.

Marketing Over Coffee

The Marketing Over Coffee podcast is just that… two marketing pros, John Wall and Christopher Penn, meet at a coffee shop once a week and record their conversation about industry news. I’ve just started listening to it recently, but it’s quickly become one of my favorites. (BONUS: they also have an active LinkedIn discussion group.)

UPDATE: We’ve listed more of our favorites in Favorite Business Podcasts – Part 2.

Do you listen to any business podcasts not on the list? Let me know in the comments.