We’ve built hundreds of websites over the years and all projects inevitably suffer from the same, schedule-crunching problem… content.
The potential problems with content are numerous.
Often a client can envision what they want, but not find the time to write it. Or they may assume they can pull content from other marketing materials, only to find it’s become outdated or inaccurate since those materials were first written.
Whatever the problem, they all cause delays. We’ve had projects where we’ve finished the design and programming and literally waited a full year for the few pages of content needed to complete and launch the site.
What can be done?
After running into these problems again and again, we now recommend the first stage of any project be a content audit.
In this audit, we compile all available content for review. Here’s what we look for:
- current website
- brochures, flyers and other marketing materials
- press, articles or news stories
- social media networks
- available photography
- video or audio content
- a high-quality digital version of the client’s logo
Once we have that, we go through it one item at a time, looking for accuracy, quality and relevance.
With the bad content removed or updated, we’re now free to identify gaps, assign those gaps to the client or our team, and move forward with the project.
Can we help you with a content audit? Please let us know.