“9 ways to improve the 13 aspects of your online presence using 8 technology trends for 2013 in 3 easy steps!”
We’ve all seen this style of blog post… they’re referred to a list post or, a little disconcertingly, a “listicle“.
Proponents will tell you that online readers only glance at articles, and that a list structure allows for easier skimming of the key points. I’d agree, but doesn’t that mean that every day people are cranking out thousands of words of filler content that may never be read?
In 2013, we thought we’d try something different. What if we just wrote the key points? So every Friday, as part of our Website 101 series, we’ll be writing 1-2 paragraphs, followed by a single action item that you can immediately apply to your business’ online presence.
We’ll address a specific topic, issue or question each week, as part of a different theme each month. Here are the themes we have in store:
January – Starting Your Website Project
February – Your Website Infrastructure
March – Choosing Your Tools
April – The Importance of Mobile
Action Item: Sign up! Subscribe to our RSS feed to get each blog posts as they’re released. Or, subscribe to our mailing list (in the right sidebar) to receive an email summary of that month’s theme on the last Friday of each month. See you next Friday!