So, now that’s you’ve figured out your target audience and decided what you want them to do, let’s put it all together. By combining your audience and your conversion goal, you can come up with a one sentence summary – a website thesis statement, if you will – that can help you make informed decisions about your site.
So let’s put everything together, Mad Libs-style:
“When visiting our website, we want _________ to _________.”
Better yet, narrow in on your target audience even more by adding a geographic or demographic qualifier:
“When visiting our website, we want _________ _________ to _________.”
Continuing with our examples from last week, their thesis statements might be:
- When visiting our website, we want amateur cooks to buy our new line of spatulas.
- When visiting our website, we want 30-60 year old patients to call and make an appointment.
- When visiting our website, we want Chesterfield families to come to our restaurant for dinner.
- When visiting our website, we want the marketing directors of $2-5M companies to sign up for our mailing list.
Action Item: What’s your organization’s website thesis statement?