Last weekend, the city of Richmond was descended upon by hordes of info-hungry web nerds, here for the ConvergeRVA conference.
Organized by the great guys at Unmatched Style, Converge is a 2-day conference for all things web.
On day one, I attended the Freakishly Profitable workshop, given by the partners of similarly-named Fortyseven Media. Along with a small group of fellow web business owners, we spent a half-day talking about all aspects of running a web business. And despite having done this for 8+ years now, I walked away with pages of notes and tons of new ideas.
Day two was conference day, and we were treated to speakers from all over the country and on topics as wide ranging as eye-tracking for usability, experimental coding frameworks, changes in process to accommodate new sites, and a discussion of “why” we do this work in the first place.
It was an outstanding conference, and glad to have had it in my backyard. Hope to see everyone back next year!